Neither a poetry chapbook or a typical poetry zine, this new series explores a range of (extra-)poetic materials, from short monographs/longer critical essays to collaborations around a theme/issue/site, from archival work to collaborative art-activist projects. Contributors are paid & print pamphlets will be cheap with free PDFs available upon publication.

Individual orders and subscriptions are now available for present & future pamphlets!

3-issue pamphlet subscription
*after placing an order, please email us at with your order number and which issues you would like!
+$8 shipping

International subscription, $45

#13 Sometimes I Wonder if Fred Was Happy Here is a selection of 11 poems from Adelaide Ivánova’s chifre, which has been translated by Chris Daniels. Of chifre, Adelaide wrote: We are in the world in 2021, and a long-announced humanitarian crisis is wide open. In this scenario, in the midst of anguish and wreckage, how is it possible to think and make poetry? I do not have an answer to this question, but in chifre I tried to point toward ways to deal with the situation. […] chifre is a place of possibilities and, above all, an invitation to take a stand. $3 US / $ 8 Int’l Paypal = / FREE PDF

Continental US $3:

International $8:

#12 Five Stars: Selected Amazon Reviews, Volume 4 by Kevin Killian, selected by Ted Rees & David Buuck, with introductory words from Kevin edited by Dodie Bellamy. Curated from the over 2500 reviews that William Hall has lovingly archived, this latest edition showcases Kevin’s incomparable mix of wit and sincerity, pleasure and playfulness, his deep love of popular culture, and his unique critical voice. 70pp, cover image by Anne McGuire. $5 US/$10 International (shipping included). Free PDF.

Continental US:


#11 RIMBAUD: a fragment by Peter Weiss. Translated by Hunter Bolin, this is the first English appearance of Weiss’ text, exploring Weiss’ long interest in revolutionary art and praxis. Cover illustration by Colter Jacobsen, a two-handed drawing based on purported photo of Rimbaud taken by Bruno Braquehais at the Place Vendome in May 1871 during the Paris Commune.  $3 US/$8 International (shipping included). Free PDF.

Continental US:


#10 A town, three cities, a fig, a riot, two blue hyacinths, three beginnings, five letters, a “death”, two solitudes, façades, four loose dogs, a doppelgänger, a likeness, three airport floors, thirty-six weeks… by Lotte L.S., gathers four wide-ranging essays that together track a politics and a poetics through the cities of Marseille, Athens, Kyiv, and the town of Great Yarmouth, in order to ask: “When are your poetics, your politics, not implicated in another’s?” amidst the crises of our times. With a new afterword, these reflections on riots and collectivity and poetry and solitude seek to understand what is included or excluded in the lived and languaged record of individual and communal memory.

Continental US:


#9 todas las cajas están vacías, por Sara Uribe, traducido por JD Pluecker. Este manifiesto apuesta por una escritura acuerpada, por escribir en, desde y con el cuerpo: con los cuerpos presentes y los ausentes. Se trata de texto y subtexto que construye, deconstruye y resiste en torno a la poesía como devenir, reescritura y reciclaje: reverberaciones, resonancias, loops, archivos desestabilizadores y un desdecir de fronteras lingüísticas. Se trata de una política escritural que se propone robar tiempo y lenguaje de las fauces del capital y las constricciones de la cultura orquestada por el estado. Es un llamado a re-producir el presente, colectivamente, todos los días.

#9 all the boxes are empty, by Sara Uribe, translated by JD Pluecker. This manifesto insists on an embodied writing, writing in, from, and with the body: with the bodies, whether present or absent. This is a text and subtext that construct, deconstruct, and resist through an idea of poetry as becoming, re-writing, and recycling: reverberations, echoes, loops, archives that unsettle, and an unspeaking of linguistic boundaries. This is a politic of writing that proposes to steal time and language from the jaws of capital and the constrictions of state-orchestrated culture. A call to re-produce the present, collectively, each and every day. $3 US/$8 International (shipping included). Free PDF.

Continental US:


Front cover of a pamphlet with a background of abstract swirls of dark and light in a sepia tone. Written on the cover is, "THE PROCESSES: A Factographical Proem | Peter Bouscheljong | translated by David Vichnar, Louis Armand & Tim König

#8 The Processes, a factographical proem, by Peter Bouscheljong, translated by David Vichnar, Louis Armand & Tim König. A dialectical poetics of radical history that asks what kind of resistance and poetry is possible under conditions of capitalist repression, if we do not simply want to return to everyday life? Synthesizing documentary poetics (the lives of George Jackson, Luxemburg, Verlaine, Pasolini, Anna Mendelssohn, Dalton, Vallejo, and others) with the capitalist alchemy of surveillance and repression, the long “proem” tracks the processes with which those in power react to the social struggles of political movements and the works of revolutionary poets, who strike back into a corner and contribute to our understanding of social upheavals, illuminated by the solar flares of Marx & Rimbaud. $3/$5 int’l. Free PDF

Continental US:


#7 The Tricking Hour, by Irene Silt. Gathering columns written over the last two years by New Orleans-based sex worker Irene Silt for a local alt monthly, The Tricking Hour explores work, sex, criminalization, resistance, joy, solidarity and queer love in the alternative political economies of sex work. A fervently anti-capitalist missive through the intersectional lens of anti-work feminist praxis, where struggles for autonomy and survival are deeply embedded in gendered bodies clandestinely organizing new modes of political identity and rebellion. As Silt asks, “How do we use our bodies, each other, animals, objects in the world, without making claims of possession over them? How do we take our refusal so seriously that we do not return to business as usual—ever?” FREE PDF. ASSEMBLY-READY PDF. $3 US/$5 International (shipping included).

Continental US:


#6 Making Ruins, by Sabine Bitter & Helmut Weber. Published in conjunction with their exhibition at Republic Gallery, and their ongoing investigative work into architecture, public space, and collective memory, Sabine Bitter & Helmut Weber explore the legacy of architectural designs and debates in Skopje, Macedonia, where attempts to erase traces of the city’s sociaist history has resulted in uncanny conjunctures of nationalist ideologies, urban history, and attempts to stage such ruptures in the built environment. Making Ruins points to the corpses of architecture hidden away under foamy camouflage. Artistic intervention is meant to rework the still visible architectural remains into ruins, acting to interrupt the linearity of false historization, preserving memories of a particular moment of past international solidarity and claiming an alternative future. OUT OF PRINT / FREE COLOR PDF. $3 US/$5 International (shipping included).
Continental US:


#5 cardboard minutes // libro de cajas, by the Cartonera Collective, is a collaboratively authored and designed bilingual history & manifesto of the Cartonera Collective and Cardboard House Press, which produces handmade bilingual books of Latin American poetry, using recycled materials in the tradition of Cartonera publishing. Order your copy here or read online for free! FREE PDF $3 US/$5 International (shipping included). Want to make your own copy? Download this PRINT-READY VERSION of the pamphlet & get some cardboard. Click here for instructions from the Cartonera Collective PHX on how to assemble the pamphlet and click here to download the cover art. Also, you can check out this video to watch Andreia from Dulcinéia Catadora, São Paulo making a book using a very similar technique. Enjoy! $3 US/$5 International (shipping included).
Continental US:


#4 Antena Aire (Jen Hofer & John Pluecker), The Flame Through the Bridge: Notes and Transcripts from Improvised Interpreted Poem Performances, 2014-2019 This booklet collects numerous experiments in translation and performance from the language-justice group Antena Aire, with poems, prompts, performance notes, and photos! FREE PDF $3 US/$5 International (shipping included).

Continental US:


Pamphlet #3: Cassie Thornton and the Feminist Economics Department present Desperate Holdings (un) Real Estate: Dis-Investment Strategy, an ongoing investigation into property and land, with art-actions and performative rituals aimed at subverting the logics of colonial real estate and economic displacement. FREE PDF $3 US/$5 International (shipping included). 

Continental US: single issue, 20% off for a limited time! $2.40 (incl. shipping)

International: single issue, 20% off for a limited time! $4.00 (incl. shipping)

Pamphlet #2, objetos indispuestos, inauguraciones suspendidas, o nales inevitables para un casi-balle (indisposed objects, suspended inaugurations, or inevitable endings for an almost dance) chronicles nibia pastrana santiago‘s performance interventions at and around the Whitney Museum of American Art, in collaboration with Eduardo F. Rosario and Daniela Fabrizi, with performance photos and scores as well as texts by Ren Ellis Neyra, Tung-Hui Hu, and guest curator Greta Hartenstein. 2019. FREE PDF $3 US/$5 International (shipping included).

Continental US:


Pamphlet #1 showcases the performance poetry of Fel Santos, organized by Paolo Javier & David Mason/Listening Center for the 2018 Queens Museum International Biennale. Essay, scores, photos, performance poems, and more! 2019. FREE PDF, $3 US/$5 International (shipping included). 

Continental US:
